About Roset

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No words can explain how deeply people want to connect with each other. How much pain they will suffer trying to be accepted, to be valued and to be loved. The yearning to be wanted is probably the most trauma that some individuals will ever inflict up on themselves. No matter race, colour, creed, sexual orientation, religion, culture, gender, age or any other factor, what everyone wants is to belong, to connect, to be loved. It is so easy to reach out to someone yet, for some it is the most difficult thing to find someone to connect to. Reach out to those you meet in your daily march. You just never know whose life you might touch, what spark, even unknowingly, you may make.

Monday 3 June 2013

This week . . . 3rd June onwards

Monday: Looking forward to a good week at school. Let's hope it goes without incident! Today was great - a holiday :-)

Tuesday: after a nice weekend it was wonderful to return to school and have a science class with great feedback, followed by an ESOL class where Im able to spend one quality teacher-student based learning time with the beginner students. 

After a rough couple of weeks I'm feelin' good about things. Optimistic even! Yes, this could work.....

I managed to give my usual standard of lesson to the Year 8 students. They seemed to have a good time in class and left me bemused and surprised when reading their feedback. For over 20 minutes we discussed tooth health, how plaque can cause heart disease and other difficulties with choosing high sugar or diet soda drinks, but the one thing they all remembered and wrote under the 'what did you learn today that you didnt know before?' was: an oreo has more sugar than a banana! How I laughed and laughed. Obviously these students enjoy an oreo or two.  The average rating for the day was 2, where 1 is the best lesson, 3 is ok and 5 the worst. In explaining their ratings they mostly stated their enjoyment with the practicals and fun facts and side stories. Stories I don't even think about. To my relief the long term tooth project they started today has excited them and got them engaged in researching their own facts to add to their learning outcomes. It was enjoyable for them, educational and fun. Thats what we want in hope of these youngsters becoming engaged in their own learning and becoming lifelong learners. 

Afterwards, I had a reduced ESOL class and managed to spend some quality one on one time with my refugee students and they made requests for conversation topics for tomorrows 4 hours of ESOl with me. I will of course meet their request because this is a prime opportunity for them to be able to take charge of their own learning outcomes and do something to help themselves whilst other members of the class are away. I am very excited about their engagement. Now, I'm off to design a lesson plan for them.

Wednesday: The lesson focused on dialogue and allowing the refugees to practice as much talking as possible went well. They felt heard and happy and opened up about some terrible experiences they had in Ethiopia. They went away with learning outcomes in excess of what I had hoped but it was more tiring than a 'normal' lesson, but worthwhile and valuable for them. Yay!

Other than this, I have concern over a Show and Tell item next week for science which I havent heard anything about, or whether I need to do anything. We'll see whats what but I guess the HoD has it sorted so I just have to show up.

Thursday: discovered that I'm apparently organising the show and tell. Oops! The HoD seemed to have missed the date too so at lease two of us are on the same page. So, off to design posters and set up experiment stations. I'll have to catch up with the HoD to see what she wants done and how.

Friday: up at 4am to finish posters and experimental designs. All done I think. So long as he HoD is happy i'll just get on with it. PPP, workbooks, leaflets and practical stuff organised. Just doggie bags to do. They have the whole of the Term 1 programme in it with lots of 'do this at home' science in the kitchen, a periodic table, a pen, pencil and leaflet about what we are covering next. I dont know how much it must of cost the school to print but it had to be expensive. I hope it is appreciated.

On task I think. Must remember to do the ESOL funding next week. That will be time consuming too, but all for the greater good.

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