About Roset

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No words can explain how deeply people want to connect with each other. How much pain they will suffer trying to be accepted, to be valued and to be loved. The yearning to be wanted is probably the most trauma that some individuals will ever inflict up on themselves. No matter race, colour, creed, sexual orientation, religion, culture, gender, age or any other factor, what everyone wants is to belong, to connect, to be loved. It is so easy to reach out to someone yet, for some it is the most difficult thing to find someone to connect to. Reach out to those you meet in your daily march. You just never know whose life you might touch, what spark, even unknowingly, you may make.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Changing the environment - visionaries in our midst

Professional Development today was with a lady called Noreen. Wow! She blew me away and others appeared genuinely engaged and excited. It was one of the best PDs I have had this year. She has the role of guiding the school through the year 7-13 changes ie., introducing year 7 and 8s to the school. She was an awesome speaker and inspirational. She answered potentially negative comments and questions very diplomatically and positively. She was not only very inspiring but also very knowledgeable. She works at a rural school and is the curriculum change advisor for our school. I havent spoken to her myself (didnt get chance) but her vision is very promising and exciting. It was our PD for this morning and after school. She has thrilled me with the anticipation for the future - the new, exciting, fresh and visionary view for the future. Wow! Is all I can say - wow.

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