About Roset

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No words can explain how deeply people want to connect with each other. How much pain they will suffer trying to be accepted, to be valued and to be loved. The yearning to be wanted is probably the most trauma that some individuals will ever inflict up on themselves. No matter race, colour, creed, sexual orientation, religion, culture, gender, age or any other factor, what everyone wants is to belong, to connect, to be loved. It is so easy to reach out to someone yet, for some it is the most difficult thing to find someone to connect to. Reach out to those you meet in your daily march. You just never know whose life you might touch, what spark, even unknowingly, you may make.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Many Up's and one minor Down!

This last week has been interesting.

'My' school is exceptional! I am kinda half running the ESOL department and been told by both teachers and students that my classes are better than they have had for sometime. 'My' students are lovely and there are NO behavioural issues at all with ESOL, although there are a couple of challenging students in my Mentor Group, but nothing too major. Science is amazing . . . The HOLA is new this year too and full of enthusiasm. She thinks I am "science teacher extraordinaire" and keeps telling people that. She asked the Principal to move me over into science and get someone else to cover ESOL. I didn't know where to look . . . very flattered. I love science but I am very much enjoying the ESOL students. Being split between two departments is time consuming and a little more difficult than just being in one learning area but there are many benefits having a foot in each camp including an opportunity to see a wider range of teaching styles. I do not know which subject I am most passionate about at the moment. When I am in ESOL, it is great. When I am in Science it is great. Hmmmm, Everything is GREAT! Even so, I do not mind saying that at first I felt a bit like a cat chasing its tail with a PRT load and having to organise departmental documents, student testing, results, expenditure and funding too, but I am just starting to feel a bit more in 'control' of my time now. It has so far, been very rewarding and I am loving the experience. Something I am sure I will repeat a few times more yet.

Most of the teachers are amazing - I am trying to take all their advice and experience onboard. Not one person has ever turned me away when asking for help or clarification - it is EVERYTHING I hoped teaching would be. The school is a great fit for me and it feels I have been there forever already. I will be working with a lecturer from a tertiary institution on a programme for Year 8's and that is thrilling. The Head of science, and a Math Teacher as well as myself have been working hard to present an exciting unit. I've decided to do 'snot delicious snot' for the second lesson, Superman Science for the third and of course the first will focus on Lab Safety.

Anyway, this update is all positive - I haven't made a difference yet, but it is early days and I am not a miracle worker as some people seem to credit me as being. I am just one person fumbling along. However, there is one girl, Yr13, in my Mentor Group who believes she cannot reach her dream job so I am gently encouraging her to build up her self-esteem. In fact, from my goal sheets it appears that quite a few students have low self-esteem and I would like to think that in someway the school system can assist with improving that by subtle non-intrusive ways.

The Principal has a deep seated and very moving philosophy in regard to everyone being supported to reach their goals. I like her and I like her philosophy. Her words sometimes inspire me to blog in an alternate site. The only minor issue I had was that a very small section of staff who took exception to my having a PhD and made it very clear that they felt it was the only reason I got the job and that another person who applied should really have been given it. I decided to smile and treat them with kindness. Maybe when they get to know me a bit they will warm to me and if not, then the issue is not really me, but something beyond that. I reckon once I am established they will change their minds - I hope so. I am torn between having words and just letting it lay. For now, I want to ignore it but it is difficult to not reveal names when asked. Still, I don't need drama and I really, really want to make this work for everyone, including those who might not have warmed to me immediately. It is impossible to be liked by all, and I am liked by most, and that is the best I could ask for. Well, I have SO VERY MUCH to learn - I am off to read about ESOL standards. oh! I haven't been paid yet hahahhaha - that must mean I am a 'real' teacher - I have TEACHER PAY issues - who would think one would be happy to have that challenge. lol

Well, in summary, I am having the time of my life. I have NEVER felt so wonderful about going to work, even though the hours are long and make me SO TIRED all the time. I wouldn't have it any other way. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT.

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