About Roset

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No words can explain how deeply people want to connect with each other. How much pain they will suffer trying to be accepted, to be valued and to be loved. The yearning to be wanted is probably the most trauma that some individuals will ever inflict up on themselves. No matter race, colour, creed, sexual orientation, religion, culture, gender, age or any other factor, what everyone wants is to belong, to connect, to be loved. It is so easy to reach out to someone yet, for some it is the most difficult thing to find someone to connect to. Reach out to those you meet in your daily march. You just never know whose life you might touch, what spark, even unknowingly, you may make.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

I have a classroom to organise: expenditure to set up an ESOL classroom for the future

Well, today I received a text from the ESOL predecessor who requested to meet me at school to give me the job of organising her old ESOL classroom. I arrived, early as is my tendency, and we proceeded to the classroom: A, to which I now have the key in order to organise it for future ESOL classes! Yeah!

There are piles of papers, books and resources all over the place. Nothing seems overly organised and there are repair works that need doing so on learning there is money to be spent I promptly requested the following:

Article 1 to be done by the caretaker

Article II to be purchased now ready to be set up ready for students arriving.

Article III to assist with teaching

Article IV are still being researched.

Article I.       Caretaker Requests for ESOL room A12

Section 1.01  Carpet cleaned

Reason: dirty and stained. Suggested by predecessor. 
Justification/Benefit: a clean, crisp working environment.
Assistance Required: I am happy to help.

Section 1.02  Black paint be removed fromwindows

Reason:blacked out windows are unappealing and reminiscentof working in the cells as a Police Officer! Suggested by predecessor.
Justification/Benefit:a clean, crisp working environment.
AssistanceRequired: I am happy to help.

Section 1.03  Shelving be removed from walls

Reason:The shelving is inefficient with papers, books and‘bits’ all over the place. 
Justification/Benefit:I recommend a more efficient filing and organisedsystem including an inventory of the items held for ESOL in this room.
AssistanceRequired: I am happy to help.

Section 1.04  Water leak from rear classroomwindow be repaired (resulting in peeling paint)

Reason:Making more damage to the paint, wall andframes. 
Justification/Benefit:reduce any further damage and remove the mustysmell caused by water leakage.
AssistanceRequired: I am happy to help.

·     Section 2.00 Newcurtains.

Reason: Ripped and falling apart.

Justification: ESOL students are from a varied background and often from culturewhich are surrounded with colour. The painted black windows are not appealingand resemble a prison window.

Suggested remedy: I am able to buy fabric at 50% discounted price. Bright yellow,red, orange, green, purple homespun fabric is £5.99pm and lining £2.99pm.
Thread, curtain tape and hooks would come to approximately £50.

Benefit: adding vibrancy, culturally relevant colours and brightness to thelearning environment. We will be able to take these with us to the new buildingand adjust the length/width accordingly.

Estimated cost: I estimate, if my friends assist me this weekend I am able tore-curtain the entire room for approximately £100-150.

Assistance required: Someone to hang them for me – I am not good with heights! I have ateam on hand to dedicate their time and energy to sew them for free.

In additon: Fabric wall maps are currently 50% off and amount to £21 each. Theseare colourful and reusable.

(a)   Total for curtains and fabricwall charts - £200

Section 2.02  Cubby Bookshelf

Reason: Present filing system is inefficient and unorganised

Justification: To make resources easier to locate, catagorise and use.

Suggested remedy: Purchase of foolscap sized bookshelves that can be relocated withany future classroom move.

Benefit: organised, efficient and tidy resource storage, display and access

Estimated cost: At discounted price of £40% to reorder the entire resourcecollection would be £516 and would fit across one entire wall space with aclean, professional and remove piles of books and papers from the floor.

Assistance required: Someone to put them together and put them in position.


(a)   Total for bookshelves £516

Section 2.03  Filing system

Reason: Present filing system is chocka block

Justification: To make student files, funding applications and assessmentsaccessible for 2013 onwards with a storage component to move previous filesinto locked draws whilst freeing this filing system for the current year.

Suggested remedy: Purchase of an efficient filing rotary system for ESOL.

Benefit: organised, efficient and tidy student information and funding

Estimated cost: At discounted negotiated price of 50% to set up this system wouldbe at a cost of £237.66 and result in a clean, professional organised look andaccessibility.

Assistance required: Someone to put it together and put it in position.

(a)   Total for rotary filing system£237.66

Section 2.04  Desks x 4

Reason: To accommodate computer use (there are new computers orderedapparently that need additional desks).

Justification: For use of a computer.

Suggested remedy: Computer desks

Benefit: ergonomic

Estimated cost: At discounted negotiated price of 40% the cost of theseadditional 5 desks would amount to £635.00
Please note: come with free side storage each.

Assistance required: Someone to put them together and put it in position.

(a)   Total for computer desks £635

Section 2.05  Suspension files, foolscapfolders

Reason: To accommodate all the loose papers around the room

Justification: for organisation, easy reference and accessibility

Suggested remedy: Files and folders

Benefit: removal of piles of loose papers: assessments, activities, lessonplans etc from various places and the stacks on the floor. These can be movedinto a new building when needed.

Estimated cost: £254

Assistance required: None – I’ll organise all the papers myself

(a)   Cost $254

Section 2.06  ESOL posters

Reason: To have visual reminders of various relevant vocabulary. Postersinclude:
Maori Numbers
Solar System
World Map
Weather Chart
Sounds are Fun (pronunciation)
Birthdays are fun (cultural and NZ important dates)

Justification: Subtle and direct reaffirmation of curriculum vocabulary.

Benefit: Cross curriculum benefits.

Estimated cost: £70.00

Assistance required: Possibly pinning them up.

(a)   A total poster cost of £70.00

Article III.   Computer support

Section 3.01  Two desk top computers 

Reason: Based on a conversation with Linley Snook I see the need for thesein the ESOL teaching room.

Justification: My predecessor advised that two further computers are needed. Iwould suggest that this is true but that in addition to these desktops that theschool seriously consider the purchase of at least two Ipad2 wifi models

Benefit: A computer for each ESOL student who is able to work at their ownpace.

Estimated cost: At a negotiated discounted price from £999 to £699 each. I suggest2 of these. £1398

Assistance required: IT - Setting them up on the School network.

(a)   Cost for two desk-top computers£1398

Section 3.02  Ipad2 wifi

Reason: Technology is becoming increasingly more important in social,education and professional use.

Justification: My predecessor advised that two further computers are needed for theESOL room. I would suggest that this is true but that in addition to thesedesktops that the school seriously consider the purchase of at least two Ipad2wifi models that are able to run the entire ESOL applications for training,testing and practice. These applications include:
IELTS practice tests in reading and writing         Cambridge University
News for You                                                      NFY
CAE Listening practice                                        CambridgeUniversity
British English Vowel Training                                   
English Language Scenarios
Vocabulary Videos                                             GCFLearning
Allen English                                                      TestBank
One Step English                                                McMillanEducation
Test your Articles                                                EknathKadam
Worksheets and Games

Benefit: Cross curriculum benefits with applications that cater for everyscenario at school, university, social life and family life. The applicationsthemselves cost around £4.19 each and once purchased result in limitless use.

Estimated cost: £569 each. I suggest at least 2 with the vision to expand later.£1138 plus cost of apps.

Assistance required: IT - Setting them up on the School network.

(a)   Cost for two ipad2 wifi models$1138

Approved and ordered.

Article IV.  Head sets, dictionaries andworkbooks

10 more Samoan dictionaries
25 head-phone sets

various workbooks and texts are beingresearched, but I feel it best to hold off on ordering more until the ESOL roomhas been inventoried and recorded.

That was my very exciting day! Whoever inherits the classroom will be very fortunate!

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