About Roset

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No words can explain how deeply people want to connect with each other. How much pain they will suffer trying to be accepted, to be valued and to be loved. The yearning to be wanted is probably the most trauma that some individuals will ever inflict up on themselves. No matter race, colour, creed, sexual orientation, religion, culture, gender, age or any other factor, what everyone wants is to belong, to connect, to be loved. It is so easy to reach out to someone yet, for some it is the most difficult thing to find someone to connect to. Reach out to those you meet in your daily march. You just never know whose life you might touch, what spark, even unknowingly, you may make.

Friday 12 October 2012

Aftershock nerves . . . 4 week countdown

Well, it is nearly the end of the course! This last five week block is somewhat dragging on if only because it is a very strange feeling having had to report to 'work' everyday for the last 2 months and then return to College. After saying that Professional Studies has been very informative with learning about Dyslexia, Cystic Fibrosis, Dyspraxia, Autism, Hearing and Sight Challenges, ADHD and various other learning 'disorders' and how one might accommodate different learning styles in the classroom to facilitate learning outcomes for these students. I would really like to get into Special Needs Education but uncertain how to do that or how to attain formal Counselling status. Once this award is complete I may look further in to options and possibly some distance learning providers.

Education Studies is quite interesting although there seems to be some discontent with this course I am overall quite happy with it. I enjoy Gregory Lees lectures and enjoyed learning about Web Tools 2.o although I am not an advocate for forcing people to set up copious accounts online for the purpose of gaining a decent grade. There are significant privacy and ethical considerations and concerns there even if using an anonymous account. Still, the course taught me a lot and I enjoyed building web pages using MySchoolsPortfolio.

Chemistry remains my most challenging course but I had fun working with a fellow Chemistry student on a Halogens presentation, that I haven't don't yet because I got an ear, throat and sinus infection last week which has seen me at home for most of the weekend as yet.

In the last lesson we had for Chemistry on level 4 of the Chemistry block there was a 4.2 aftershock. Not too happy being on main campus as it is where I was trapped under my desk for a few hours in a major shake. I thought I'd never have to bloody well go back there and then the College of Education announce our Chemistry classes will be completed on the main campus. I really am not happy and felt quite demeaned as another student couldn't understand why I left the building immediately, shouting comments after me as I left. The ear/sinus infections came at the right time for not having to go back again last week, but I'm going to have to find a way to face that next week. I sound a bit of a dumb-ass to others - so I realised as I promptly left last week - especially since some had a much worst experience than I, but grappling around in the dark walking in to hanging wires and having bits of glass, wall fittings and tiles falling on my head while not being able to find my way out of the building let alone off campus is not an experience I want to have again. I'd rather not go back into the soddin' building but too embarrassed to say anything so will need to have to 'suck it up' next week. I HATE being back on the Ilam Campus. Hate it so much it makes me feel physically sick, but I've managed so far. If  I don't go back to class I guess I'll fail the course and it has crossed my mind not to go back especially since I have a job offer I don't need the GradDipTchLn for but wouldn't that be slightly ridiculous of me!? As with a lot of people I am looking forward to the end of the course, if only for a lay in and rest! Specifically so I NEVER have to venture on to Ilam Campus again.

I have a 4000 word essay to write in collaboration with another student for Education Studies, NCEA examinations to mark for Chemistry, review and comment and then a presentation to do for the final assignment for Chem. I believe that is the entirety of the marked assessment due and the A+ grade I so wanted to get has so far been illusive. Sigh.

With 4 weeks to go, students are starting to ask questions about registration and working overseas for credit towards full registration here. It is looking ever more likely the option of working in the UK from Jan-April will be a well needed start to registration, although I feel it more wise and reasonable to accept the non-teaching position I have been offered here which will fullfill my working needs, income, professional development wishes and opportunities for advancement. I think the decision is already made, it is just a matter of my accepting it and moving on.

All in all, looking forward to collecting my regalia and walking across the stage in December.

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