About Roset

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No words can explain how deeply people want to connect with each other. How much pain they will suffer trying to be accepted, to be valued and to be loved. The yearning to be wanted is probably the most trauma that some individuals will ever inflict up on themselves. No matter race, colour, creed, sexual orientation, religion, culture, gender, age or any other factor, what everyone wants is to belong, to connect, to be loved. It is so easy to reach out to someone yet, for some it is the most difficult thing to find someone to connect to. Reach out to those you meet in your daily march. You just never know whose life you might touch, what spark, even unknowingly, you may make.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

The benefit of watching others teach....

Re:watching experienced teachers, teach...

1. Goal or Purpose of my visit

To see how language learners respond to an experienced language teacher in the classroom and basically to steal any tips or processes that work well that I could use in my own lessons, particularly in ESOL.

What I learnt
Lining up students outside the classroom before entering and checking dress codes etc can have a positive effect on behaviour and establishes boundaries prior to entry into the classroom.
If homework is not completed, reiterate the need to complete it and focus on self-management, commitment to the task set and provide a real life example of what can be achieved by real people who have already become fluent in Chinese – diplomatic service for example.
Repetition is key to mastery.
There is a place for rote learning the fundamentals of language and in particular sounds associated with specific characters and sounds.
Visual cues are invaluable resources for language learners.
Reinforce what has been learnt previously, behaviour and expectations.

What I am going to implement/ next steps
I am going to steal Johns idea of having students make flashcards in class and as homework. They are useful as revision tools and reference materials.
Encourage students to treat learning language as a hobby so it is incorporated into every day life and becomes fun rather than a chore.
Encourage students to sit nearer to each other rather than dispersed throughout the class – had a close, warm and collaborative feel.
Show more videos and colour code emphasis. I particularly like this idea and will implement it for term 2 lessons.

What reinforced practices for me
To keep a relaxed but clear intentioned pathway with reiterated expectations.
To continue answering questions in full on an individual basis as they are asked but answer so that all students hear the question and answer – inclusive learning and teaching in case others were too shy to ask or forgot to ask the same question. Answer questions with interesting facts – I do try and do this but will endeavour to keep it up as it worked well in Johns class and I liked the fact he made learning NOW relevant to real life now and possibilities in the future.
Giving basic commands such as ‘Don’t talk” and then using a name to get quiet.
I loved the statement “just because you were taught something doesn’t mean you have mastered it” that was followed by reiteration, repeating and assessing the knowledge with feedback.
Repeat, repeat, repeat, reinforce, test, feedback and assess.
Moving students that are not on task and reiterating expectations.
To follow instructions exactly and not to allow students to take short cuts because as John stated “short cuts do not help with learning”.
I need more visuals for my ESOL class and some rote learning for the foundations of sounds and blends along with some short English language clips beyond those I use at present.

I also learnt some Chinese words: Xue han yu – learn to speak Chinese
Nà   that
Zhé  this
Shén what
Bu  not

Shoe shoe  - uncle
Dee dee little brother
Iy hey!

2. Goal or Purpose of my visit
To see how students respond to an experienced teacher in the classroom and basically to steal any tips or processes that work well that I could use in my own lessons, particularly in ESOL.

What I learnt – Painting Techniques: dry brush, light over dark and dark over light.
Set boundaries before entering the classroom and be precise about expectations.
When a student asks a question, where possible, get them to work out the answer for themselves.
Put examples of completed work tasks on the board as an exemplar.

What I am going to implement/ next steps
I already reiterate, repeat and check understanding but I do not put examples of the end expected product on the board where students can refer to it. I’ll do this from now on.
Instruction is given first, followed by a command and then checked for understanding.

Additional - there was a 'I am' template in the classroom I have stolen the idea of for ESOL. It resembles a mind map but with circles around it. Very simple but an excellent idea to adapt for ESOL students.

What reinforced practices for me
Boundary reinforcement
Individual attention
Ignoring lesser unwanted behaviour in favour of concentrating on the bigger picture and getting the best out of students
Keep a relaxed, warm environment with set and reiterated boundaries.
Get students to explain the task back to show understanding.

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