About Roset

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No words can explain how deeply people want to connect with each other. How much pain they will suffer trying to be accepted, to be valued and to be loved. The yearning to be wanted is probably the most trauma that some individuals will ever inflict up on themselves. No matter race, colour, creed, sexual orientation, religion, culture, gender, age or any other factor, what everyone wants is to belong, to connect, to be loved. It is so easy to reach out to someone yet, for some it is the most difficult thing to find someone to connect to. Reach out to those you meet in your daily march. You just never know whose life you might touch, what spark, even unknowingly, you may make.

Thursday 31 January 2013

Wednesday 30 January 2013

I wasn't sure, but now I know . . . I'm in love

What a rough start to the week.

I spent the two weeks prior setting up the classroom only to have the carpet cleaners come in and totally destroy everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. Tables were turned upside down, computers were stacked and strewn on the floor, wires were knotted, chairs were on bookshelves, over computers, stacked in the oddest way. It was a bloody mess, after all that hard work to get the room looking inviting and nice for the new students. I was not happy. Someone even less impressed was a language teacher who voiced her very public dismay at such appaulling treatment of school resources as well as all the hard work I had put in. The first day I saw it I just locked the door and walked away. I just couldn't face it, but then there was a sudden surge of adrenalin so I returned two days later to once more lift, pull, drag, heave and throw the room back in to some sort of order. Another sweaty day - who knew teaching could be so physical!

Well, Induction done - I almost fell asleep at the end of that day. Our heads were whizzing with so much new information - some of which I think we forgot the next day. The seasoned teachers said they felt overwhelmed so at least we are feeling the same. This was followed by two days of Professional Development - much of which I thought was common sense, but hey ho, on we go. The presenter was well informed and enthusiastic and as I advocate for PD for anything, it was pretty good. It led me to think about a Graduate Profile and also a Departmental Philosophy which I went away to write. Although tiring, I liked it! The result was that I wrote a Graduate Profile for my learning area as there was not one, and goals for the department, as there weren't any. 

Met my 'Mentor Group' - well six of them anyway. Out of 15, only 6 turned up and three of those are in my class, all of who do not speak any English. That is a challenge for me. When collecting my Mentor Group from the Assembly Hall, did they laughed at me - yes they did. With ethnic names I, of course, pronounced a few wrong including a boy I called Sophie instead of Sophi (sof-eye). Some names I couldnt even fathom how to pronounce so fumbled through with laughs from the students. The other teachers were nice and said 'well done' but I knew it was embarrassing all round really. The students were graceful enough to shrug it off. Bless 'em.

I have told my Mentor Group - those students I will look after for the whole year, that there is no goal or dream that they could possibly have in life that I cannot or will not support them with. If it is a serious life goal, a week, month, term or yearly goal then I will support them unconditionally. To that end, those students that did turn up to class completed 'My Goals' sheets along with answers to the questions of
- how will I reach my goal
- what will I do to reach my goals
- when will I know I have reached my goals
- what help do I need to reach my goals and,
- what help can I give others to reach their goals
This is my attempt to have a collaborative Mentor Group where we all support each other and celebrate each others achievements. It is all about fostering an environment of respect even we/I do not agree with each others future aspirations.

What else.... Oh! Met with a liaison person from a tertiary institution who has set up a primary extension class. Primary school students are coming to school to be immersed in Science and Maths for two block hours per week. These classes need to be hands on and full of exciting 'things' for them to do to enthuse them about taking science when they graduate from Primary School and go on to Secondary School. It is about securing the future of the school too I guess, for future enrollments and reputation as a quality education provider.

Right, so now, I am signing off. Today was the first day I truly thought 'I haven't made a mistake - I LOVE MY JOB'. Lets see what unfolds. I'll either complete term 1 or be eaten alive . . . I am betting on the first! Eek....

Sunday 27 January 2013

Professional Development Day - 1st day of school

Awesome day learning about attitudes towards the curriculum and teaching with focus on a student centred approach rather than the teacher centred approach as taught at College. The historical starter, teach, work, assess, review is out of the window, as it was on actual teaching practice and a student centred environment fostered. Personally, I like this better as it allows students to guide their own learning and gives them more time to inquire, think and analyse even if they do not realise that is what is happening. It is a little more 'free' than the standard lesson planning taught in theory and needs more management, especially where students are easilly distracted, but it works well and results in an overall happy environment.

I have written a Graduate Profile for the ESOL students which reads:

A Graduate Profile for an ESOL student

My initial thoughts are that a graduate profile should resemble something along these lines:

- To leave with perseverance, patience, social communication skills including literacy in their indigenous language and target language.

- An openness to opportunities especially for learning and also an openness to others regardless of any individual factor: gender, culture, race etc.

- Understanding and perceptions of the world around them based on knowledge of their home language and comparisons with their target language.

- Confident and competent speakers and learners.

- Freely express themselves with the highest expectation being able to speak fluently and comprehensively.

Curriculum – who will decide what to teach

ESOL has a place to assist students across curricula. It is important to determine what students need to learn, what they want to learn and what would motivate them to actually learn.

Students would be more motivated to learn if the content is applicable to real-life, here and now.

Thats all for now - first day over and documents completed and handed in for:

- salary review
- pension scheme application
- tax forms 
- contract agreements

Friday 25 January 2013

Bullying - the silent treatment

While researching the bullying prevention section of my lesson plan, I found this useful information about 'silent treatment'. Interesting reading . . . Some will find this article very informative indeed. Enjoy.

Cooling Off And Ostracizing Are Two Very Different Things

Do not confuse the silent treatment with something known as “the cooling off period”. The cooling off period is where one person need time to calm down before they begin to speak to this person. That’s normal and should be allowed in a relationship. But purposely ignoring and refusing to hear or talk to a person is wrong, intentional, manipulative, and demonstrates extreme calculation and cruelty on how to hurt another person, or even drive them crazy.

The Silent Treatment - A Form of Abuse

Just about the worst form of abuse is the Silent Treatment. Which is someone who is in the same room as you are, but who is acting like you don't exist. They don't speak to you, they do not answer your questions or make comments on your statements, they completely ignore you and act as if you are invisible. And it works because nothing makes us madder than someone who we KNOW hears us, sees us, and knows without a shadow of a doubt that we exist, act as if we are not even there! We feel a "rage" rising from somewhere deep inside of us when we are ignored.I believe the silent treatment is the worst form of emotional abuse. It is, in all reality, a punishment because it makes you feel like a non--person, who is not valued or cared about, and they make you feel as if you are completely out of their thoughts. It is really all about CONTROL because the abuser really DOES KNOW that you are speaking to him or her, they do know that you exist, and that you are THERE. It is emotionally abusive instead of physically abusive and even worse because there are no scars that can be seen by an outside observer.I have seen colleagues give the "silent treatment" to others when their boss is not in the room, completely ignoring them, and then when their boss walks back in the room, all of a sudden they will start talking to the person as if nothing happened, being very friendly, as if just five seconds ago they had not been giving them the silent treatment. And then when the victim tries to tell their boss what REALLY happened while they were out of the room, meaning they were completely ignored by the team member, their boss does not believe them. This is just one example of how the silent treatment can work.

Silent treatment is a form of torture. People who abuse others by using the silent treatment have learned that it works, so they use it over and over again. It makes the victim more frustrated than any other form of abuse and it allows the abuser to avoid any confrontations, any uncomfortable questions or subjects that they don't want to talk about, and it gives them a way to get out of any accountability.

The silent treatment is a method the abuser uses to 'kill' you for something you have done. In a sense, you have been psychologically "murdered " by them, but your physical life goes on. Excuses that the abuser uses to justify their silent treatment of you include:

- I needed to have some space

- I just needed some time alone to think I didn't want to fight

- I am not interested in what 'they' have to say (demeans your feelings and denies her abuse)

Of course these excuses are just one more way for the abusers to blame somebody or something else for his abuse.

What is really going on though is the more they ignore you, the more you want to fix it. And that is what they get such satisfaction out of which is watching you squirm and "jump through hoops" to try to get them to pay attention to you and to communicate with you. It is a real EGO BOOST for them and they actually get a RUSH from the entire experience. It also puts them in control and gives them tons of attention, from you.

Really nice normal truly good people do not give the silent treatment to others. They listen, they communicate, they respond back and they engage and participate in the conversation. Even if they disagree they still will treat you with respect. They will not take away your right to speak and express how you feel and manipulate their actions to alter onlookers perceptions.

The silent treatment is never about you, but it acts to deny another human being rights that the abuser takes for herself.

There is a saying that the worst thing you can do to someone is not hate them but to be "totally indifferent" to them. If you hate them at least you care enough to hate them. But when you are indifferent to them you really DO NOT CARE at all.Abuse is Abuse. And abuse is never ok. In one way though, the silent treatment is far worse than other forms of abuse, because it indirectly says to you that you are not a person, you are an object, you are invisible because they choose to make you so because you are not worthy of their time. THAT is one of the most hurtful and abusive things to do to another human being. It is a horrible feeling, being ignored and denied affection.Usually the silent treatment occurs when you do something that the abuser does not like or approve of in their book. Or when you dare to disagree with them or actually point out something wrong that they did. And then Whamo, you get punished by them not speaking to you for days, or sleeping elsewhere, or choosing to not even be in the same physical area that you are in. They make you feel as if you are a leper.

And it is all calculated to drive you crazy. How does one reason with someone who is so immature you think they are a child? Or so selfish that they would treat you like this while at the same time saying that they do a good job? - obviously they have a lot to hide.

The truth is you can't reason or gain any ground with someone who acts like this. It is a "no win " situation and you can waste your entire life trying to make it work.

They have no real morals, self respect, dignity or integrity. Do not let them take yours. Make a stand - act and don't give up until you have your rights upheld - to be respected and treated as an equal with free speech and expression.

Thursday 24 January 2013

Classroom pre and post friends and I

I arrived at school, where everything was locked up and keys were needed for access. Met a NZ teacher who had completed a teaching year in London and moved to Bradford and Leeds where she needed a swipe card to access the doors between corridors. I do not remember schools being like that when I was at school in the UK! Anyway, it hasn't put her off and she is looking to return to the UK once she has returned and completed one term in NZ to satisfy the registration requirements. After she gets QTS in the UK she can look for a permanent role.

In the meantime, my ESOL classroom was in some disarray... So, I and a couple of friends got stuck into it and the transformation, although not miraculous, is pretty good. There were stacks of books everywhere including under the whiteboard - making access difficult even to use the board.... The books are now organised on to fresh, white, clean shelves in order of beginner, elementary, intermediate, higher intermediate, advanced and business English, with separate sections for grammar, vocabulary and spelling. Sorted!!!!! It only took 3 days.....

Later today, I will receive my teaching timetable to prepare for February.

That's it for now! Off for a nana nap. Recharge those batteries to start teaching day 1!

Tuesday 15 January 2013

I have a classroom to organise: expenditure to set up an ESOL classroom for the future

Well, today I received a text from the ESOL predecessor who requested to meet me at school to give me the job of organising her old ESOL classroom. I arrived, early as is my tendency, and we proceeded to the classroom: A, to which I now have the key in order to organise it for future ESOL classes! Yeah!

There are piles of papers, books and resources all over the place. Nothing seems overly organised and there are repair works that need doing so on learning there is money to be spent I promptly requested the following:

Article 1 to be done by the caretaker

Article II to be purchased now ready to be set up ready for students arriving.

Article III to assist with teaching

Article IV are still being researched.

Article I.       Caretaker Requests for ESOL room A12

Section 1.01  Carpet cleaned

Reason: dirty and stained. Suggested by predecessor. 
Justification/Benefit: a clean, crisp working environment.
Assistance Required: I am happy to help.

Section 1.02  Black paint be removed fromwindows

Reason:blacked out windows are unappealing and reminiscentof working in the cells as a Police Officer! Suggested by predecessor.
Justification/Benefit:a clean, crisp working environment.
AssistanceRequired: I am happy to help.

Section 1.03  Shelving be removed from walls

Reason:The shelving is inefficient with papers, books and‘bits’ all over the place. 
Justification/Benefit:I recommend a more efficient filing and organisedsystem including an inventory of the items held for ESOL in this room.
AssistanceRequired: I am happy to help.

Section 1.04  Water leak from rear classroomwindow be repaired (resulting in peeling paint)

Reason:Making more damage to the paint, wall andframes. 
Justification/Benefit:reduce any further damage and remove the mustysmell caused by water leakage.
AssistanceRequired: I am happy to help.

·     Section 2.00 Newcurtains.

Reason: Ripped and falling apart.

Justification: ESOL students are from a varied background and often from culturewhich are surrounded with colour. The painted black windows are not appealingand resemble a prison window.

Suggested remedy: I am able to buy fabric at 50% discounted price. Bright yellow,red, orange, green, purple homespun fabric is £5.99pm and lining £2.99pm.
Thread, curtain tape and hooks would come to approximately £50.

Benefit: adding vibrancy, culturally relevant colours and brightness to thelearning environment. We will be able to take these with us to the new buildingand adjust the length/width accordingly.

Estimated cost: I estimate, if my friends assist me this weekend I am able tore-curtain the entire room for approximately £100-150.

Assistance required: Someone to hang them for me – I am not good with heights! I have ateam on hand to dedicate their time and energy to sew them for free.

In additon: Fabric wall maps are currently 50% off and amount to £21 each. Theseare colourful and reusable.

(a)   Total for curtains and fabricwall charts - £200

Section 2.02  Cubby Bookshelf

Reason: Present filing system is inefficient and unorganised

Justification: To make resources easier to locate, catagorise and use.

Suggested remedy: Purchase of foolscap sized bookshelves that can be relocated withany future classroom move.

Benefit: organised, efficient and tidy resource storage, display and access

Estimated cost: At discounted price of £40% to reorder the entire resourcecollection would be £516 and would fit across one entire wall space with aclean, professional and remove piles of books and papers from the floor.

Assistance required: Someone to put them together and put them in position.


(a)   Total for bookshelves £516

Section 2.03  Filing system

Reason: Present filing system is chocka block

Justification: To make student files, funding applications and assessmentsaccessible for 2013 onwards with a storage component to move previous filesinto locked draws whilst freeing this filing system for the current year.

Suggested remedy: Purchase of an efficient filing rotary system for ESOL.

Benefit: organised, efficient and tidy student information and funding

Estimated cost: At discounted negotiated price of 50% to set up this system wouldbe at a cost of £237.66 and result in a clean, professional organised look andaccessibility.

Assistance required: Someone to put it together and put it in position.

(a)   Total for rotary filing system£237.66

Section 2.04  Desks x 4

Reason: To accommodate computer use (there are new computers orderedapparently that need additional desks).

Justification: For use of a computer.

Suggested remedy: Computer desks

Benefit: ergonomic

Estimated cost: At discounted negotiated price of 40% the cost of theseadditional 5 desks would amount to £635.00
Please note: come with free side storage each.

Assistance required: Someone to put them together and put it in position.

(a)   Total for computer desks £635

Section 2.05  Suspension files, foolscapfolders

Reason: To accommodate all the loose papers around the room

Justification: for organisation, easy reference and accessibility

Suggested remedy: Files and folders

Benefit: removal of piles of loose papers: assessments, activities, lessonplans etc from various places and the stacks on the floor. These can be movedinto a new building when needed.

Estimated cost: £254

Assistance required: None – I’ll organise all the papers myself

(a)   Cost $254

Section 2.06  ESOL posters

Reason: To have visual reminders of various relevant vocabulary. Postersinclude:
Maori Numbers
Solar System
World Map
Weather Chart
Sounds are Fun (pronunciation)
Birthdays are fun (cultural and NZ important dates)

Justification: Subtle and direct reaffirmation of curriculum vocabulary.

Benefit: Cross curriculum benefits.

Estimated cost: £70.00

Assistance required: Possibly pinning them up.

(a)   A total poster cost of £70.00

Article III.   Computer support

Section 3.01  Two desk top computers 

Reason: Based on a conversation with Linley Snook I see the need for thesein the ESOL teaching room.

Justification: My predecessor advised that two further computers are needed. Iwould suggest that this is true but that in addition to these desktops that theschool seriously consider the purchase of at least two Ipad2 wifi models

Benefit: A computer for each ESOL student who is able to work at their ownpace.

Estimated cost: At a negotiated discounted price from £999 to £699 each. I suggest2 of these. £1398

Assistance required: IT - Setting them up on the School network.

(a)   Cost for two desk-top computers£1398

Section 3.02  Ipad2 wifi

Reason: Technology is becoming increasingly more important in social,education and professional use.

Justification: My predecessor advised that two further computers are needed for theESOL room. I would suggest that this is true but that in addition to thesedesktops that the school seriously consider the purchase of at least two Ipad2wifi models that are able to run the entire ESOL applications for training,testing and practice. These applications include:
IELTS practice tests in reading and writing         Cambridge University
News for You                                                      NFY
CAE Listening practice                                        CambridgeUniversity
British English Vowel Training                                   
English Language Scenarios
Vocabulary Videos                                             GCFLearning
Allen English                                                      TestBank
One Step English                                                McMillanEducation
Test your Articles                                                EknathKadam
Worksheets and Games

Benefit: Cross curriculum benefits with applications that cater for everyscenario at school, university, social life and family life. The applicationsthemselves cost around £4.19 each and once purchased result in limitless use.

Estimated cost: £569 each. I suggest at least 2 with the vision to expand later.£1138 plus cost of apps.

Assistance required: IT - Setting them up on the School network.

(a)   Cost for two ipad2 wifi models$1138

Approved and ordered.

Article IV.  Head sets, dictionaries andworkbooks

10 more Samoan dictionaries
25 head-phone sets

various workbooks and texts are beingresearched, but I feel it best to hold off on ordering more until the ESOL roomhas been inventoried and recorded.

That was my very exciting day! Whoever inherits the classroom will be very fortunate!