About Roset

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No words can explain how deeply people want to connect with each other. How much pain they will suffer trying to be accepted, to be valued and to be loved. The yearning to be wanted is probably the most trauma that some individuals will ever inflict up on themselves. No matter race, colour, creed, sexual orientation, religion, culture, gender, age or any other factor, what everyone wants is to belong, to connect, to be loved. It is so easy to reach out to someone yet, for some it is the most difficult thing to find someone to connect to. Reach out to those you meet in your daily march. You just never know whose life you might touch, what spark, even unknowingly, you may make.

Thursday 22 March 2012

A field trip for year 12s

A drive through earthquake ravaged streets on a pleasant mild morning ended at a lovely sunny spot at the beach. With sun shining, worms wriggling, snails slothing, mussels being non too excitedly sedentary and anemones playing., the students set out their transect lines. Random dogs getting caught up in the strings throughout the day and seagulls coming for a nosey were the only distractions from the task at hand. Quadrants at the ready and off they went measuring biodiversity.

At lunch time we found that a couple of students made brownies and cookies for everyone and brought rolls with filling. Who said teenagers weren't thoughtful and generous.

Sunburnt, a little, and sea blown it was off back to school for 330pm when the students disappeared. It was like magic. One minute they were there and the next invisible. Such is the life of teenage magicians!!!!

Right, week 2 officially over. Week three commencing next week. Before then, a very welcomed weekend.


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