About Roset

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No words can explain how deeply people want to connect with each other. How much pain they will suffer trying to be accepted, to be valued and to be loved. The yearning to be wanted is probably the most trauma that some individuals will ever inflict up on themselves. No matter race, colour, creed, sexual orientation, religion, culture, gender, age or any other factor, what everyone wants is to belong, to connect, to be loved. It is so easy to reach out to someone yet, for some it is the most difficult thing to find someone to connect to. Reach out to those you meet in your daily march. You just never know whose life you might touch, what spark, even unknowingly, you may make.

Saturday 31 March 2012

Are schools killing creativity. A must watch video!!

A must watch video - Are Schools Killing Creativity

Week three - Teaching Practice


Absolutely sure that retraining as a teacher was the best decision. Not so confident about securing employment after completion of the course though, with all the school closures and redundancies! Still never a new path forged without some degree of faith.

Fantastic to hear that Rose, Kirsty and Michael are all doing well. Go you! Genevieve and Emma are doing well also (on placement with me). It's all rather exciting albeit exhausting. We have some 'fine' tales to tell... And some not so fine or refined!!!!!

Right, week 3 accomplished. Onwards to week 4 followed by a well needed break for Easter when I'll be catching up with paperwork and some French revision.

Good luck to all on TP and look forward to seeing you back at College in 6 weeks or so.

Friday 30 March 2012

Student analysis and questioning

It should never hurt to be a child

Emotional Abuse - reference resource

Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is the most common and least talked about form of abuse. Part of the reason it is so easy for people to ignore, is that much of what is thought of as normal and acceptable forms of communication is in fact abusive.

Many people don't know that they have been or are being, emotionally abused. Besides which, much of this type of abuse doesn't appear to be severe or dramatic, although its effects can be totally devastating.
Emotional abuse is surrounded by an atmosphere of subtlety where the abuser can work steadily, sometimes over a long period.

Unlike physical or sexual abuse, where a beating or single incident of rape constitutes abuse, emotional abuse is made up of a string of incidents, or a pattern of behaviour that can occur over many years.
It is more than just verbal insults, the most common description of emotional abuse. Emotional abuse is a chain of repeated incidents (whether intentional or not) that insults, threatens, isolates, degrades, humiliates and/or controls another person.

It can include a pattern of one or more of the following abuses: insults, criticisms, aggressive demands or expectations, threats, rejection, neglect, blame, emotional manipulation and control, isolation, punishment, terrorizing, ignoring, or teasing.
Harassment, physical and sexual abuse and witnessing abuse of others are also forms of emotional abuse.

Contrary to popular belief, bullies are not only found in schools. Emotional abuse can take place anywhere: at home, at school, in relationships and in the workplace.

The Effects of Emotional Abuse

This form of abuse is not only under-reported, but it's effects are minimized. The famous childhood verse, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me" is simply not true. In fact, many physical and sexual abuse survivors have said that the emotional abuse was often more devastating and had longer-term effects.
Emotional abuse cuts to the core of a person, attacking their very being. Emotional abuse, if frequent enough, is usually internalised by the sufferer and leaves them feeling, fearful, insignificant, unworthy, untrusting, emotionally needy, undeserving and unlovable. They end up feeling as if they are bad, deserving of punishment and to blame.

Survivors often have a hard time understanding why they feel so bad. The abuse may not sound like much and often people around them will minimize the experience, telling them it's not so bad. But a climate of disregard for a person's feelings, where one is subjected to constant or frequent criticisms, being yelled at, or being ignored, has a deep and profound effect, attacking the very self-image and confidence of a person.

Identifying Emotional Abuse

How do you recognize emotional abuse? One thing that can help is to step back from your situation and examine the overall climate in your home or your workplace. Trust your instincts and feelings about people.
Sometimes, a person can just look at you and you know that they are looking down at you. Other times, their words are okay but their tone is mean. Emotional abuse is insidious and can be very subtle, so trust your gut; it's telling you something.

Naming It

Because it is harder to name, it can be harder to heal from as well.
The first step is to name your experience as abuse. Trust how you feel. Many people can identify the abuse once they know what to look for because they change from being outgoing, self-confident and care-free to feeling nervous, anxious and fearful in the company of an emotionally abusive person.

Remember that emotional abuse is frequently minimized.

Overcoming the Mindset

Emotional abuse sets up a self-belief where the sufferer comes to believe that they are to blame and that they must work harder to fix the problems (such as improving the relationship). This never works because the problem is not the sufferer; the abusive behaviour is the problem. Nothing you do will change that. No matter how nice and accommodating you are, nothing that you do will change an emotionally abusive person's behaviour. In fact, many people get even more aggressive when you try to make it better, because they sense that you think it's your fault and this confirms their own beliefs! It can be very hard to not fall into the role of being "good girl" or "good boy" when someone is emotionally abusing you, but it's important to avoid that.

If You've Been Emotionally Abused in the Past

Identifying the abuse as abuse is an important step in your healing. It means that you recognize that what happened to you was wrong, hurtful and not your fault. Placing responsibility for the abuse on the abuser is the key to healing from abuse.

Countering Negativity

Arguing against the negative messages that you received is also really important. You may need to write down all the insulting things that you learned about yourself and argue against each one with the truth.
It may feel unnatural or foreign to argue against these messages, but it will help you to feel better in the long-run. Catch yourself when you find that you are putting yourself down. Take a breath and remind yourself that you don't want to do that anymore, that you don't deserve to be hurt and that you want to think of yourself differently.

See if you can come up with something that you like about yourself. If you can't come up with something good, think about how you would like to think about yourself. The idea is to interrupt the flow of insulting thoughts you have and to find ways to replace those thoughts with self-soothing ones.

By finding ways to be gentle and soothing with yourself, you are directly arguing against those messages. Being kind to yourself by asking yourself what you need, what you want to do and letting yourself do those things are all ways to create a more positive and loving relationship with yourself.

No matter what you've been told or how you've been treated, you are worthy of love and respect. The more you know this, the less likely you will be to accept disrespectful or abusive behaviour towards yourself or others. You should not have to take emotional abuse from anyone - no matter what the excuse. You deserve to be treated well.

Know the signs - verbal and emotional abuse

This web site has covered many topics under the title of abuse. Abuse takes many forms and effects its victims in a profound way. It becomes the way they see themselves. Many went through much effort to get past the problems within, that abuse caused. Physical abuse or any kind of abuse has an emotional aspect to it, but verbal abuse strikes right to the heart of it's victims. In all types of abuse, verbal and emotional abuse become a means to attack its victims. It is many times how the abuse starts, and the physical becomes an end result of the abusers inability to feel in control. There is, also, those who never use physical violence to control their victims. They don't have to. The emotional state of their victim has been crushed by their words and actions towards the victim to the point that the victim becomes a puppet willing to do anything the abuser asks. Recognise the signs.

Know the signs - emotional and verbal abuse

Emotional abuse is the result of all the forms of abuse. Emotional abuse is usually the beginning which goes on along with other types of abuse. Verbal abuse is words and is the basis of emotional abuse. Both lead to the low self-esteems, and make a person feel less then human. It is mental torture.
The emotional abuse is considered by many to be a process of brainwashing and makes the victims believe what they are told about themselves. It is a manipulation of the mind. The concept of brainwashing occurs in all forms of ongoing abuse.

Protect the children. Build their self confidence and self worth and nurture a strong, healthy and loving future for all.

Thursday 22 March 2012

A field trip for year 12s

A drive through earthquake ravaged streets on a pleasant mild morning ended at a lovely sunny spot at the beach. With sun shining, worms wriggling, snails slothing, mussels being non too excitedly sedentary and anemones playing., the students set out their transect lines. Random dogs getting caught up in the strings throughout the day and seagulls coming for a nosey were the only distractions from the task at hand. Quadrants at the ready and off they went measuring biodiversity.

At lunch time we found that a couple of students made brownies and cookies for everyone and brought rolls with filling. Who said teenagers weren't thoughtful and generous.

Sunburnt, a little, and sea blown it was off back to school for 330pm when the students disappeared. It was like magic. One minute they were there and the next invisible. Such is the life of teenage magicians!!!!

Right, week 2 officially over. Week three commencing next week. Before then, a very welcomed weekend.


Wednesday 21 March 2012

Week 2 Teaching Practice

I could sleep for a week! Had my first review today. It went very well I thought. Great feedback and on track. Wish I'd done this years ago.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Week 2 teaching practice

Loving it this week. Now there's some structure and organisation and I know where I am supposed to be and what I'm doing.... Yep! Loving' it.

Saturday 17 March 2012

Monday 12 March 2012

Week 1 Teaching Practice

Day two of observing in class. In some classrooms its like world war 3 but in others it's a delight! I don't know if I am enjoying the experience or not as yet. I start teaching tomorrow. I guess my feelings will become ever so much clearer once my practical practice actually starts. I was supposed to get the supported learners group but they have been removed from me and I'm not quite sure why as my associate already told them i would be taking over. Maybe it was because I expressed concern when one student looked like he was going to punch another. Still, they weren't so bad. We'll see what happens with my newly assigned groups that I start to observe tomorrow. I've this evening to plan an hour lesson for a senior classroom so I need to have some decent content. I feel so under prepared! Ahhh! Time will reveal all. I have to begin somewhere, may as well jump in now and hope for the best. I really hope I don't make a twat of myself or run out of material before time. I hope I can do the learners justice. I really don't want to hinder learning processes but support them. It's all rather a worry !

Sunday 11 March 2012

The benefits of blogging



Saturday 10 March 2012

From an ice-cream parlour in Agadir to the wonders of New Zealand

Photo taken in Morocco whilst attending a teaching interview.
Photos taken on return to New Zealand.