About Roset

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No words can explain how deeply people want to connect with each other. How much pain they will suffer trying to be accepted, to be valued and to be loved. The yearning to be wanted is probably the most trauma that some individuals will ever inflict up on themselves. No matter race, colour, creed, sexual orientation, religion, culture, gender, age or any other factor, what everyone wants is to belong, to connect, to be loved. It is so easy to reach out to someone yet, for some it is the most difficult thing to find someone to connect to. Reach out to those you meet in your daily march. You just never know whose life you might touch, what spark, even unknowingly, you may make.

Friday 31 August 2012

Unemployment blues!

I've never been unemployed. Three weeks left of TP. Five weeks at college then looking down the barrel of a very uncertain future in more ways than one. A new experience if nothing else as too was being invited to apply for teaching jobs then never getting an interview. I don't understand that. Awww, well. Off to prepare for tutoring tomorrow: DNA etc. That will hopefully pay for another week of petrol! I'm not my usual chirpy self today - tired maybe.

Thursday 30 August 2012

Week 4 - What Happened?!

Sometimes I wake up and the snooze button is no longer inviting me to prod, poke and fumble around for it in the dark. On the contrary, I can't wait to go to school. The students are all so individual and unique. Watching them is sometimes like taking a snapshot of a moment in time that may one day define a character or thought inside them. It's kinda scary to know that one thing you may say or do could colour their vision of something, someone or whatever else, not just now, but in the future, and that is quite a terrifying honour.

I don't know what happened this week but I suddenly became scared of inflicting a negative rather than a positive influence. It could have been having to withdraw a student from class and not having him, as yet, return. That worries me and makes me wonder if I should have embarked down that avenue of discipline or whether I should have commenced retraining at all. I feel somewhat concerned and unhinged thinking that withdrawing him may have made him suffer in some way other than having to improve his behaviour.

Then, it could just be life effecting my thought processes. The plumbing is loose... I won't even go on about how much eqc have messed up our home... It's depressingly beyond a joke....and, then, there's the other halfs job situation and that's nothing to shrug off. And, ive never been unemployed so looking down the barrel of 9 more weeks to an endless expanse of who knows what is unnerving. All maybe taking its toll.... So, to sleep on it I think, and tomorrow I will just have to pull myself together, get up and get on with it.

God says he has a plan for me, and not to worry... I just hope he ain't lost the blueprints......

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Half way there

I can't believe it. Final teaching practice is half way done. Brought in pastries to celebrate. Yummmm. I ate one before I even got to school!

I enforced the seating plan and it didn't go down too well but at least the students don't hate me. There are still a couple of students that are playing up so I'll address that this week. I'm not sure how.

Anyway, this is just a short report to say I made half way!!!! Half again to go.... Picking up an ecology class next week and a geology class the week after that, then... The last week will be upon me/us.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Final Teaching Practice - Week 3 of 7

So far so good, but after saying that I realise there is so much more I don't know than what I do. Thankfully, everyone at my placement continues to be more than supportive and as the weeks progress they get even more supportive. 

I had the opportunity to post test a class today after giving them the initial test 3 weeks ago. It was such a relief to see that every student had improved their grade which, as I see it, shows I did something right!!!! Phew . . . Three and a half hours of exam supervision today had my poor 'ole feets throbbing. I must have walked miles up and down and up and down the isles. After an office job where my backside barely left a chair for 12-16 hours a day, spending 3.5 hours on my feet constantly running from one student to the next was a shock to the wee toe-digits. I really should have worn trainers! hahahaha...... Difficult to believe I tramped around the whole of Stewart Island several times. My poor round squishy self wouldn't manage that now. Once this Diploma is done I think its time to get a health balance back in play, and get some of these earthquake kilos off once and for all.

Anyway, I digress! All is well and I couldn't have hoped for a better placement even the junior class was much noisier than preferred today. I am thinking to place them in a seating plan on Monday just to separate those that seem not to be able to control themselves in certain pairings or groupings. Will they hate me I wonder? Is it overkill considering every student did improve their grade in the post test..... hmmmm...... I may take the risk and see.

Well, off to write my weekly reflections and section log before Coro starts (Kaz - I know you are rolling your eyes now - lol).

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Second week of TP

It's the most amazing experience in a school to date. Collegial, friendly, supportive, encouraging and professional. Ohhhhh.... To be back in a professional environment where people are pulling together. I'm happy. I just hope this continues for the remainder of TP.

Relief came in the form of the head of department telling me I am the best student teacher he has ever had. Followed by my second associate who was "impressed" with me.... "very impressed" he said. Maybe I made the right choice after all......

Loving learning about SOLO. Love it!!! Well, I'll report in next week and hope to have equally positive news. I hope the good experiences continue!

Saturday 11 August 2012

Week 1 of 7 - Final Teaching Practice

To sum it up: I AM SO tired, but very pleased to say my associates are amazing, well educated, qualified and very friendly. Started teaching on day 2 and although I thought it went well my Associate wanted less teacher time and more student time, so that is what I am working on and it seem to be going well. He taught me about SOLO and i love it!

Last period Friday I took my final class for the week and they were unfocused, disruptive and generally non-compliant. I had to close the PPP I was using and direct them to their books. At the end of the lesson I was sure I would be in for a dressing down, but no!!!!! Contrary to how i felt my Associate said that if that is representative of the worst class I ever have it is good. Well, let's see if I can keep this up for another 6 weeks. Its amazing. We'll see!

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Teaching Practice Two

Well, block 3 is almost over and it has been a challenge. After dropping biology in favour in chemistry I quickly realised that my chem knowledge is not really up to scratch, so it has needed some hours up on hours of review and revision. Still, if nothing more it has made clear that I either need to teach junior chemistry only or brush up with some additional professional training at some stage. The course is great though and my colleagues like minded and lovely as too is the teacher who apparently was an exceptional teacher. I think he is my new role model with a very kind and respectful attitude to students.

Teaching Practice starts this Friday with an introduction to my associates and timetable which will commence on Monday. Nervous - not 'arf! Met my visiting lecturer today and he was very clear about learning the names of students so I had better be on to that as soon as I step in to the classroom. It was a nice introduction though with clear expectations. I like that and he smiles a lot! I hope he likes my teaching. I cannot believe how nervous and worried about it I am. 

It seems I have the same worries as everyone else about starting TP 2. 

The packing, or rather unpacking after eqc works will have to wait until November. With any luck it will be sunny and the boxes can be moved without slipping in the mud. lol. Sooooo, looking forward to unpacking and setting up the house again. It'll be just in time for Christmas..yay! Then, I'll be flying to SE England to start an 8 week contract - a job teaching. Can't wait, even it is only for 8 weeks. Then back here to look for work.....So excited., but then, that brings me full circle to TP2 again, which I HAVE TO PASS to be able to apply to graduate and be a real grow'd up teach'! hahahaha. I really cannot wait. 

It's only been 7 months so far but feels so much longer.