About Roset

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No words can explain how deeply people want to connect with each other. How much pain they will suffer trying to be accepted, to be valued and to be loved. The yearning to be wanted is probably the most trauma that some individuals will ever inflict up on themselves. No matter race, colour, creed, sexual orientation, religion, culture, gender, age or any other factor, what everyone wants is to belong, to connect, to be loved. It is so easy to reach out to someone yet, for some it is the most difficult thing to find someone to connect to. Reach out to those you meet in your daily march. You just never know whose life you might touch, what spark, even unknowingly, you may make.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Week 9

Week 9 of training done and all is fantastic. Everything is moving along wonderfully and we couldn't be happier. It seems we'll be having a celebration of completion of this bit of lifes successes Friday / should be great - and moving on to the next.
One odd occurrence this week was receiving a nonsensical postcard but it was sent back to Newton to the post centre to check their video surveillance footage of the 29th to work out what poor person felt need to do that. Otherwise, life is rather swell and minor oddities just fall aside. Yep! It's all perfect

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