About Roset

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No words can explain how deeply people want to connect with each other. How much pain they will suffer trying to be accepted, to be valued and to be loved. The yearning to be wanted is probably the most trauma that some individuals will ever inflict up on themselves. No matter race, colour, creed, sexual orientation, religion, culture, gender, age or any other factor, what everyone wants is to belong, to connect, to be loved. It is so easy to reach out to someone yet, for some it is the most difficult thing to find someone to connect to. Reach out to those you meet in your daily march. You just never know whose life you might touch, what spark, even unknowingly, you may make.

Saturday 25 April 2015

Science vs Religion

For me evolution and creation are not exclusive. 

In my work I have seen adaption of animals and plants constantly and believe there is greater knowledge in an organisms genes than man could ever understand, hence the miracles and mysteries that exist in the world that we still cannot fathom let alone master. 

All too often the word 'evolution' is misunderstood . . . it does not mean and has never meant that humans evolved from monkeys!!!! This was a statement one person made a very long time ago and it stuck, then spread like wild fire. As a result the general population and especially religious zealots always comment on this topic in a way that shows lack of understanding and little insight in to the reality, as is observable, of nature. Evolutionary theory NEVER ever stated we evolved from monkeys or apes . . . in fact evolutionary theory, if understood correctly within a proper scientific stance gives credence to the development of different lines of species. Furthermore, genetics shows us the common linkage between them. Having a certain number of genes in common with a banana (as humans do) does not provide evidence that we 'evolved' from a banana just as much as having genes in common with pigs and monkeys is not evidence of evolving from them! 

For those that believe in God or a diety of any kind that is believed to have intelligently designed 'creations' it is no more fanatical to think that a diety is able to create complex systems for life to exist where some building blocks would be in common to all creatures or that tools are built into cells and genes that would enable a 'creation' to adapt to specific environments and changes. It is no less wonderous to a scientist to see that genes have the ability to change, sometimes spontaneously to show new and novel phenotypes (physical traits) not seen previously as they are needed. A scientist would see these links. 

As religious folk do with the fragments of historical documents they have, paste bits together to form an as coherant journey as possible, even where significant parts are absent so does a scietist. If a person truly beleives in what they cannot see, yet has faith and can form an 'absolute truth' from documents made from a variety of books and pieces of work based on subjective accounts then surely the work of a scientist is no less significant and valiid based on using the same methods and relating what is observable to it. In many ways science has a form of logical and methodology and collaboration across cultures with various religious beleifs to arrive at conclusions. (Possibly a lesson here for religious affiliations that continue to fight each other)! Religion and science are not exclusive. Both rely on faith, piecing together what cannot be seen with what can be obsevred and arriving at a conclusion, which for the time being, until other parts of the puzzle are uncovered remain the 'truth' as it is stated today. 

The world whether a person is religious or not is a wonderous, amazing and mind blowing place that should be cherished. It is a source of miracles, some of which can be understood by science and some of which are based in faith that science cannot yet explain. Either way, before trying to discredit those with a religious viewpoint or focus on discrediting science, know your facts (whatever they have evolved to be today) rather than quote misguided, misunderstood and widely spread fallacies and untruiths to give evidence of an arguement based on ignorance. After all - what we think we know today, either about religion or science will no doubt be laughable in the future., and so on it goes. Niether religion or science are the source of all knowledge and should not pertain to be but nothing is to be gained by endless battles of discrediting one or the other. At very least, if the two cannot agree, then be accepting, kindly and tolerant of the other. Afterall, without an open mind, both are nothing more than fantastical stories where the general public have to have 'faith' in those telling them 'what is' today.

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