About Roset

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No words can explain how deeply people want to connect with each other. How much pain they will suffer trying to be accepted, to be valued and to be loved. The yearning to be wanted is probably the most trauma that some individuals will ever inflict up on themselves. No matter race, colour, creed, sexual orientation, religion, culture, gender, age or any other factor, what everyone wants is to belong, to connect, to be loved. It is so easy to reach out to someone yet, for some it is the most difficult thing to find someone to connect to. Reach out to those you meet in your daily march. You just never know whose life you might touch, what spark, even unknowingly, you may make.

Monday 16 July 2012

If only we could make the world a happier place with little acts of kindness

I've been so excited, relieved and blessed to finally be able to get back into the house this week and was hoping this would allow me to concentrate on college. Reality, as always, has better plans, and so it is between trying to unpack boxes, move furniture and complete assignments I find there is a severe shortage of that very thing I need: time.

The hours melt away and days escape before I realise yet another week has come and gone. At least now time passes in relative comfort and warmth having a carpet down and a log burner in the place if the great seeping hole in the ceiling. You see, blessed! I really am.

Glad to be getting back into the house and to be at college. If only a loose careless tongue had not seen fit to label me as it did, I wouldn't be having to contend with "she is angry at the world" comments at every opportunity certain fellow students like to take. Six times today and three of those in front of a lecturer when I was simply stood waiting for class like everyone else.

I got to thinking if it really matters, and I guess it doesn't. Those that know me, well... Know me and I love the folk in my life and those around me so the comments of a few based on the incorrect musings of one don't really amount to much. Embarrassing and possibly a little humiliating, but only if I deem them to be so.

I don't think it is anything that can't be ignored by a smile. After all, what is the other option? To get angry about it I guess and wouldn't that be most ironic! Ahhh, maybe I'm having a lesson taught me. In the wider picture it maybe just that, and it'll pass!

In the meantime I was reading this evening and came across some quotes I've always admired. They fit with my philosophy on life and so mean something deep and touching to me:

The best portion of a good man's life is his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
William Wordsworth

"Have you had a kindness shown? Pass it on;
'Twas not given for thee alone, Pass it on;
Let it travel down the years,
Let it wipe another's tears.
Pass it on."
-- Rev. Henry Burton

The term 'pass it on' gets overused these days due to the movie that made the quote famous but nevertheless it stands a true reflection of how many people live their lives. Just everyday folk who go about their daily business.

If you think about it tho, just for a moment, how beautiful is the concept, and how even more amazing the people in the world for doing it and living it... And plenty do!

The world is not something to be disappointed in but something remarkable and wholesome in even times of war, devastation, famine, cruelty or ought else to be despised. It is in these very despicable moments that one small seemingly nothingness gesture can make all the difference to a life, and sometimes is the real life difference between a will to live and one to give up and die.

No, the world is not to be despised because the majority of people in it are kind, loving individuals who want just the same as you and I: to feel safe, to live without fear and to be free from labels and misconceptions.

People, no matter where, who or experience, desire only that their human rights be honoured. What a world it would be if we could all make that happen with acts of kindness towards one another.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Semester 2 commenced

Ahhhh..... two weeks off College flew by, mainly due to having so much work to do in moving back in to the house after EQC repairs were done. I need a holiday from the break! 

The first week back at College resulted in some decisions being made about subject areas to take. Originally enrolling in Chemistry, Biology and the compulsories it very quickly became apparent that the workload would be far too much with other life events to juggle as well. As a result I have decided to drop biology and hope this is not a mistake, especially since the grade I would anticipate for biology would be far better than that for chemistry which I have decided to continue with. I made this decision for several seemingly sound and logical reasons....

1. next to physics, chemistry teachers are the most sought after teachers.
2. apparently biology teachers far out number biology teaching positions.
3. chemistry would provide me with a challenge unlike I have experienced for a long while!

So, after making the decision I discover that the first NCEA exam for chemistry is to take place on Monday next week and I am very ill prepared. This evening and the weekend then, will be spent brushing up on various types of bonding.

I think, right now, I am happy with the decision, but time will tell. The assignments include a lesson unit plan on alkenes and alkanes, a practical demonstration and sitting 4 chemistry NCEA exams and evaluating the process. An added bonus and the overall decision was made easier by having a teacher who is very knowledgeable, diplomatic, kindly and understanding of students/people as well as seemingly wanting the best for everyone in his class. He makes me want to do well just by being himself. That is all the motivation I need to put in the extra hours that will be needed to pass this course.

Professional Studies was interesting this week and the assignment is on restorative practice which I am undertaking with 4 other students. Having completed the My Portfolio page already I am hoping they will band together and do most of the booklet making and presentation preparation. We will see. I am very interested in restorative practices, techniques, skills and implementation. Unfortunately, I missed class today because I was in an interview for a teaching position starting 7 January 2012. More about that in future blogs...

Education Studies does not run on a Wednesday morning as a group of us discovered this morning turning up for a lecture that did not run! Hmmm.... sometimes the communication facets, even with all the ICT in place does not quite filter through, but alas, a good coffee and chat had with some student teacher colleagues. I really enjoy talking to other people on the course.

This about sums up week 1. Worries...... all my worries are centred around teaching practice 2. Terrified of failing and scared of not being able to perform satisfactorily. This seems to be the same fear as most other student teachers, so all is 'normal' there although I am thinking that teaching is far from a normal profession in this day and age.... making it all rather more appealing.

Well, that is the end of this blog. Stayed tuned for more news . . .